With increase in cyber attacks, cyber-security is on top priority for law firms to secure themselves and their clients from hackers or unauthorised access. American Lawyers Media conduct a survey on cyber security paradigm in law firms. According to ALM survey, 89% law firms face data breach in 2017 as compare to 66% in 2016 1. Another research in 2019 ABA cyber security Technology Report show 26% of data breech in law firms. Or in March 2021, almost 49% of data breach cases in law firms 2. In 2020, ABA report represents correlation among threat level and firms size.

Sometime hacker steal companies sensitive data even you might unaware from it. Once hacker breach security they have access to clients financial accounts 3.

Most common cyber security attacks

Marinating security of law firms is challenging task as there are a lot of direct and indirect attacks involve. Some of them easily prevented by internal safe practices or increasing network security 4. Many law firms face following attacks:

  • Phishing: Due to interference of digital equipments phishing is most common attack in law firms. To protect system from phishing attack use 2FA method, reusing passwords, secure passwords, and add e-signatures. Network security provider assists to prevent data breach in case of any suspicious activity.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware most common threat in law firms because of clients sensitive data. Ransomware installed on system in different sizes and shapes by intentionally or unintentionally means (malicious link). This attack threats, use scare paradigms, or infect system files until payment is received.
  • Hacked email accounts: Hacking email accounts are manipulative or targeted approach. Law firm commonly suspect email scams due to client-lawyer communication through emails. Hacker can hack email account, watch conversation and steal important information to breach privacy of clients.

Law firm and Forensics services

In law firms listed services performed regarding cyber-security challenges:

  • Forensic services
    Forensic services are a consulting firm mechanism that provides variety of litigation support and forensic accounting to attorneys and clients to show strongest case in dispute resolution process 5. Legal forensic also carried out with a best record for attaining output results, mitigating legal risk, reducing cost, and analyzing complex financial information in concise format 6.
  • Digital forensics
    Is a process or identification, documentation, extraction, and preservation of computer evidence that uses in court of law from server, mobile phone, computer and network 7. Digital forensic comprises of email, disk, data, network, database, and wireless forensic.
  • Data forensic
    Data forensic also called computer forensic, it comprises of investigation of digital data investigation by identifying, recovering, preserving, analyzing, and presenting digital information 8. Data forensic analyst uses advance search system, reverse engineering mechanisms.
  • Data breach forensic:
    Data breach forensic expose sensitive, confidential, information to unauthorized person. This breach lead cyber bridge as files are visible to every person.

The Core Dynamic Services Value

Core Dynamic Services was formed 25 years ago as a Cyber Security defense and mitigation company. Our expertise in protecting our clients and delivering IT Services is World renown. We work with clients of all sizes and you always have access to skilled personnel who can help in your time of need. Clients range from the Department Of Defense for Cyber Security services to the small Law Practice who wants peace of mind and value for IT support. Our integrity will never be compromised, and we provide full transparency every step of the way.